Manitoba Sales Tax Calculator

Amount Before Taxes


GST/HST: $0.00

PST: $0.00

Total Amount: $0.00

Reverse Manitoba Sales Tax Calculator

Total Amount with Taxes


Amount Before Taxes: $0.00

GST/HST: $0.00

PST: $0.00

Manitoba GST Calculator

Want to make calculating Manitoba sales tax easy? You're in the right place. Our Manitoba Sales Tax Calculator helps you get tax totals that are simpler than ever. Whether you want to add the Manitoba sales tax to a purchase or backward calculate the price before tax, this tool covers you.

GST, HST & PST Tax Rates Table

Province GST and HST PST
Manitoba 5% 0%

What is Manitoba Sales Tax?

In the province of Manitoba, the government charges a 7% sales tax called PST. The total cost of a product or service, including sales tax. That means for every $1 you spend, you need to pay an extra 7 cents in tax. The store needs to collect this money and give it to the government.

Let's say you're buying a T-shirt for a store that costs $100. With Manitoba sales tax, the final price comes out to $107.
Product cost = $100
PST Tax (7%)= $7
The final price of a product = is $107.

british columbia gst calculator

Manitoba Tax Calculator GST PST

bc gst calculator

What is a Reverse Manitoba Sales Tax Calculator?

A Reverse Sales tax Calculator helps you determine the product's original price when you only know the final price.

Here's how it works:
You have a receipt showing you paid $105, including 7% tax.
Our calculator helps you figure out the price before GST.

For example:
Total paid: $105 (with GST)
Use the reverse calculator
Original price: $100 (before GST)
GST amount: $5

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is manitoba sales tax
Manitoba sales tax is 7%
Does Manitoba have HST?
Yes, Manitoba has HST tax.

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